Computer Labs
Lab Location (Bldg/Rm) |
Lab |
Phone |
Chance Academic Center (CAC) 258 |
Engineering |
(210) 486-0077 |
Chance Academic Center (CAC) 350 |
(210) 486-0860 |
Gonzales Hall (GH) 118, 122 |
(210) 486-0697 |
Gonzales Hall (GH) 203 |
(210) 486-1433 |
McCreless Hall (MCCH) 119 & 124C |
(210) 486-0240 |
McCreless Hall (MCCH) 135 & 137 |
Reading |
(210) 486-1298 |
Moody Learning Center (MLC) 107 |
(210) 486-0864 |
Moody Learning Center (MLC) 502 |
(210) 486-0160 |
Moody Learning Center (MLC) 7th Floor |
(210) 486-0165 |
Nail Technical Center (NTC) 122 |
Computer Information Systems |
(210) 486-1050 |
Nursing and Allied Health Complex (NAHC) 338 |
(210) 486-1052 |
Oppenheimer Academic Center (OC) 307 |
(210) 486-1414 |
Student Mega Lab Reservations
There are several computer classroom labs available for instruction on the 5th floor of the Moody Learning Center building (MLC). If you are interested in reserving a computer lab for a class with reoccurring time throughout the semester, please select the Computer Lab Reservation Form. If you have any questions, please contact 486-0160 or send an email to