Nursing BSN Bridge
Program Level:
Degrees, Online
Program Type:
Face-to-Face, Fully Online, Hybrid
Nursing Education
Health & Biosciences
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What is the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Bridge program?The BSN Nursing Bridge is a program that allows registered nurses (RNs) to complete a Bachelor of Nursing degree in one year or less while continuing to work, preparing them for higher-level nursing roles. What will I learn?You’ll expand on your nursing knowledge and skill sets with courses that incorporate leadership, community health, research, and ethics. You’ll understand and apply research to practice and gain the skills and knowledge to assume leadership roles in the clinical practice setting. You’ll know how to assess a population and determine the appropriate recommendations that are necessary to support health promotion and illness prevention. You’ll develop leadership skills related to financial, human resource, clinical and professional issues in providing and evaluating care. |
What can I do with this course of study?The RN to BSN degree program prepares students for professional nursing practice across multiple healthcare settings and provides the knowledge, skills and credentials needed to move into higher-level nursing roles. A BSN expands your career opportunities, taking you from the role of the associate-prepared bedside nurse and preparing you for opportunities for leadership and community health. The program also provides a foundation for continuing your education in nursing, such as earning a graduate degree to work as a practitioner, administrator, educator or clinical nurse specialist. What is special about this program?This program offers an affordable, convenient way to help RNs advance in their careers while meeting the ongoing demand for BSN-prepared nurses. Applicants who are graduates of San Antonio College Nursing Program have priority on admission. The program is available both online and as a hybrid, combining face-to-face and online instruction. A fast-track program track is available with a completion time of eight months. SAC also offers additional program tracks to include a concurrent BSN & AAS to students enrolled in the associate degree program. |
♦ This symbol indicates the offering is also available fully online.
Program Admission
Based on the program option, applicants must be in good standing with the Texas Board of Nursing and have an active nursing license. All prerequisite courses must be completed, however the admissions committee will review the transcripts and develop a plan to complete any missing prerequisites. For the concurrent AAS + BSN program, applicants must first be accepted into the AAS program and receive the Texas Board of Nursing clearance. All transfer credit must be submitted to the College for approval. We encourage all to apply for consideration regardless of completion status with prerequisites. All prerequisite courses have earned transfer credit if an individual is transferring from another institution.
The admission requirements for the BSN Bridge program is:
- Photocopy of Texas Board of Nursing RN Licensure and verification of license status on the state Board of Nursing Website.**
- Copy of official transcripts and all official transcripts need to be sent to Admissions and Records.
- Proof of completion of an Associate Degree in Nursing.
- Pending Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) approval, F-1 visa holders are now eligible to apply for the RN-BSN program. Further details regarding the international student application process for I-20 issuance will be provided in the near future. Please monitor for updates.
- Graduates with a Graduate Nurse License from an accredited college/university are eligible to apply and start the program contingent upon licensure examination results. If for any reason a student is unable to pass the NCLEX prior to the start of the BSN second semester of courses, the student will need to take a leave of absence and resume the program upon passing the NCLEX.
- Applicants of the SAC AAS-Generic Nursing program with 100% of the 60 pre-nursing hours are eligible to apply for the Concurrent AAS-BSN program track. Interested students should apply for both AAS and BSN concurrent option. Student must be accepted into the AAS program.
Undecided about which BSN Nursing track is for you? Look at the different program tracks we offer.
Click on the red box to see course sequence.
• F-1 visa holders are not eligible for the online track due to the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) regulations that limit online coursework. The SEVP has approved the Hybrid program for F-1 Visa holders.
• F-1 visa holders are not eligible for the Accelerated Track due to SEVP approval limitations.
• This track is ideal for applicants that are still needing to complete several prerequisite courses. It allows the student to take BSN courses and the prerequites at the same time.
• F-1 visa holders must enroll full-time (12 credit hours); therefore are not approved for the Part Time track.
• To qualify for the Concurrent Track, applicant must first be accepted into the SAC RN Generic program. Applicant must also have completed all BSN prerequisites courses by the RN application deadline.
• Under the SEVP regulations, F-1 visa holders are not permitted to concurrently enroll in two different degree or program levels.
Application Process
Official Filing Periods
The applicant is eligible to apply twice a year for the fall and spring terms. The spring term will have limited space availability.
The BSN Bridge application period for the Fall terms opens on February 15 and closes on July 31.
The Spring term application opens on August 19 and closes on January 5.
The RN-BSN baccalaureate nursing program at San Antonio College located in San Antonio, Texas is accredited by the:
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400 Atlanta, GA 30326
(404) 975-5000
The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the RN-BSN baccalaureate nursing program is Continuing Accreditation.
Program Administration
Dr. Eve Rodriguez
Executive Director of RN-BSN Program
(210) 486-1144
Nursing & Allied Health Complex (NAHC) 378
For more information and a link to a virtual consultation, visit: