
Mortuary Science

Teach courses in political science, international affairs, and international relations. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.

Jobs available locally


Demand Locally

+1 %

Annual Wage Range

$50,998 – $214,067

Teach courses in computer science. May specialize in a field of computer science, such as the design and function of computers or operations and research analysis. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.

Jobs available locally


Demand Locally

+1 %

Annual Wage Range

$50,998 – $214,067

Teach courses in environmental science. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.

Jobs available locally


Demand Locally

+1 %

Annual Wage Range

$50,998 – $214,067

Program Level:

Degrees, Certificates


Allied Health and Kinesiology


Health & Biosciences



What is the program?

This program trains you for a career as a funeral director and embalmer, preparing you to take the National Board Exam required to practice in the funeral service industry. 

What will I learn?

You’ll learn how to work with grieving families while developing an understanding of the industry’s ethics, legal requirements, principles of public health and safety, and the requirements and procedures for burial, cremation and other accepted forms of final disposition of human remains. You’ll develop technical skills in embalming and restorative art. You’ll learn how to address the grief-related needs of the bereaved and demonstrate the verbal and written communication skills and research skills needed for funeral service practice. You’ll also develop management skills for operating a funeral establishment.

What can I do with this course of study?

This program prepares you for the national board exam that allows you to begin your career as a funeral director or embalmer (with additional experience, you can become fully licensed). SAC also offers a certificate program that prepares you to begin a career as an entry-level funeral director.

What's special about the program?

SAC’s Mortuary Science Program continues to be a leader in funeral service education. SAC was the first college-based funeral service education program offered in Texas when it opened in 1961. SAC offers students an embalming facility on campus and plans to add an on-campus mortuary that will serve the community while giving students experience with funeral directing.

First college-based funeral service education program to be offered in Texas

Application Process

Students seeking to apply to the mortuary science program must first complete all San Antonio College admission requirements. For program admission, students must apply via the Mortuary Science Application for the fall semester by March 1 and the spring semester by October 1. 


Additional Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Us

Dr. José Luis Moreno
Program Coordinator
Nursing & Allied Health Complex (NAHC) 134M
(210) 486-1140

Mortuary Science Main Office
NAHC 134
(210) 486-1131