Teach courses pertaining to recreation, leisure, and fitness studies, including exercise physiology and facilities management. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.
Jobs available locally 10,258 |
Demand Locally +1 % |
Annual Wage Range $50,998 – $214,067 |
Provide individualized physical education instruction or services to children, youth, or adults with exceptional physical needs due to gross motor developmental delays or other impairments.
Jobs available locally 315 |
Demand Locally +2 % |
Annual Wage Range $54,351 – $82,751 |
Program Level:
Allied Health and Kinesiology
Health & Biosciences
What is the Kinesiology program?
Kinesiology is the study of movement and exercise science. This program focuses on how the body works and the many factors that influence physical performance throughout the human lifespan.
What will I learn?You’ll get an introduction to the principles of physiology and motion, including anatomy and physiology, biomechanics, exercise options, fitness program design, injury identification and rehabilitation, and coaching students and athletes. You’ll gain an understanding of the skills, behavioral and psychological factors involved in fitness-related activities, lifetime sports and physical education. What can I do with this course of study?This program prepares you to transfer to a four-year university to pursue a bachelor’s degree in kinesiology or a related field, either with an associate of arts or an associate of science degree, depending on your career interests. With a Kinesiology degree, career options include physical education, fitness instruction, coaching, sports officiating, corporate wellness coordinator and other fitness-related professions. It’s also a pathway to careers in other health professions such as physical and occupational therapy. |
What's special about program?If helping people lead healthier lives inspires you, this program may be for you. Employment of fitness trainers and instructors is projected to grow 14 percent from 2022 to 2032, much faster than the average for all occupations, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In addition to courses required for Kinesiology majors, this program also includes many options for physical activity for students in any major, including core training, cycling, weight training, water aerobics, dance, swimming, and more.
Contact Us
Brad Dudney |
Mary Mena, BAAS, MSIS |
Lori Swaney |
Michelle Cuellar |